SECURE CHECKOUT - All orders are processed through our securely encrypted SSL network. We respect and highly value your safety and privacy.
100% REFUND GUARANTEE - If you decide to cancel, we guarantee you a full refund anytime before or during the live gardening challenge.
SECURE CHECKOUT - All orders are processed through our securely encrypted SSL network. We respect and highly value your safety and privacy.
100% REFUND GUARANTEE - If you decide to cancel, we guarantee you a full refund anytime before or during the live gardening challenge.
5 RECORDED sessions with Edwin and Paul Dysinger walking you step-by-step through our garden planning formula to grow your best garden ever!
RECORDED Q+A times to get your questions answered. You'll be able to even join in via video chat so we can talk over your specific situation and help you out with any aspect of your garden plan.
$1000 ready-to-go Plug and Play Garden Plan so you can quickly and easily launch your garden with most of the work already done for you.
Garden planning worksheets to make the entire process a breeze!
BONUS Winter Gardening Challenge Recordings ($75 value). When you add this to your order you'll get instant access to the recordings of our 3-Day Winter Gardening Challenge. In it you'll discover the exact step-by-step process we use to grow fresh veggies through the winter without breaking your pocketbook.